Love. Something no one can really understand.
It can bring us unimaginable pain and yet, we go running back for more. That makes no sense to me. Then again, I'm one of those fools who goes running back for yet another round of pain.
I guess it's the feeling of pure bliss when you're first starting out with love that keeps me coming back for more. I guess, something like that, makes everything worth it.
There are all different kinds of love.
There is relationship. The kind where you're in love. Where the mere sight of that person can make your heart pound a mile a minute. Where the sound of their voice makes your breath catch in your throat. Where you hang off their every word with complete and total fasination. Where they have complete and total control of you.
Then there is friendship love. The kind that makes you want to be the crap out of anyone that hurts them. Where you just want to see them smile because it makes you feel like smiling. Where you're related in every way but blood.
Here's something I once heard. "Friends are God's presents to us to make up for family."
Ha, ha. Sometimes I love that saying and totally understand it and others it makes no sense to me. It depends on how my "friends" and "family" are treating me at the moment.
Oh yeah, sorry. I kind of got off topic. Anyways...
The third and final (just final in my book, if you think of any other ways to love people, please e-mail me or something) way to love someone is much like the friendship love. Only this love is magnified by a thousand. Well at least that's how it is for me personally. If anyone hurts anyone in my family I know I want them to suffer what my family member suffered times a thousand. Then again, that's just me.
Well I guess that's all I have to say on the topic of love at the moment.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
Your's Always,
So true,and I like that about this journal.